High Sticking & Reading Water with Kelly Galloup DVD

High Sticking & Reading Water with Kelly Galloup DVD

Graphic demonstrations of high stick nymphing with detailed lessons on reading water are the heart of this 90 minute instructional video. Kelly shows you numerous ways to become a better nymph angler, including high sticking, where your fly line is kept off the water to insure a good drift. Along with a host of close-up angling sessions the production is filled with graphic illustrations that teach you how to read water. In this condensed look at five days on the river with Kelly you learn where to fish and how to be a better nymph angler.

Kelly Galloup is a great instructor, and in the video he dissects the river and clearly explains where and how to fish a variety of water types. Learn both tight-line and indicator tactics; discover where and when to fish each type of angling system.
You’ll see some nice fish along the way but more importantly you’ll discover how to nymph fish with a high rod. As Kelly says, “It’s all about a good drift”, and this is an essential form of presentation for doing just that.
Fly Placement is critical in your nymphing system and Kelly takes the time to explain where to place what type of fly on your leader. He looks in detail at midges, mayflies, caddis flies and attractor patterns.