The Innovative Safety Tools – FISHING – ANGLER FIRST AID KIT is a “MUST” addition to your tackle box.
It contains essential first aid items for fishing, including the Personal Injury Hook Remover.
This hook remover is specifically designed to make the removal of a hook as quick and painless as possible.
The kit is lightweight and small enough to keep in any any fishing kit.
Visit the Innovative Safety Tools Website here.
Contact Us for current inventory and ordering details.
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We are the leading provider of Fly Fishing Lessons, Corporate Team Building, and Guiding on the Upper Grand River, the Upper Credit River, and the Conestogo River.
No Guelph, Fergus, Kitchener or Cambridge Fishing Tackle Retailer will boast as complete and diverse a store inventory, including a vast selection of Centerpin / Float Fishing Reels, Rods, Clothing and Accessories.
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